See below for a general overview of the Website Error Audit service.
Once you buy, please note the steps involved.
- Your company URL
- The URLs for your 5 closest competitors
Note that this service is based on websites of 50 pages or less, and includes an analysis for both your own site and for the websites of your 5 closest competitors. Analyzing larger websites can be discussed of course, for an extra fee. Ask about discounts-per-volume on this service.
In order to shoot for Page One on Google and the other search engines, it’s VERY important to have a strong base…which is your website of course. Not only does it have to look pretty, but it also has to perform well. It’s no secret that Google considers how your website is performing on both a regular computer AND a mobile device. You just can’t chance having a site that doesn’t perform well, as it could drop your rankings lower than Page 5…where nobody goes.
Digitera’s service to give you a Website Error Audit will help you identify where these errors are, allowing you and your web developer (if you have one) to fix these errors one by one. Within a short period of time, you’ll have a finely tuned website and be that much more ahead of the game with respect to your Google rankings.