Backlink Report


See below for a general overview of the Backlink Report service.

Once you buy, please note the steps involved.

  • Your company URL
  • The URLs for your 5 closest competitors

Note that this service is based on websites of 50 pages or less, and includes an analysis for both your own site and for the websites of your 5 closest competitors. Analyzing larger websites can be discussed of course, for an extra fee. Ask about discounts-per-volume on this service.



One of the tenets of the original Google thesis that was published in 1998 by Page & Brin out of Stanford was that Backlinks are a key indicator on how a site is ranked within Google’s SERP calculation. As the logic goes, the more URLs on the web that “link back” to your site, the more popular your site is…and the higher the ranking it should receive. Over the years, the role of Backlinks has been widely debated, but one thing is for sure…Backlinks are important to this day.

Digitera’s service for Backlink Reports gives you a snapshot on where your backlinks currently stand, as well as the backlinks of your competition. This is valuable information indeed, as you can compare your backlink footprint to that of your competitors, and go after the backlinks that they have that you’re missing. Catch up on no time at all, and outrank your competition!

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